Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prompt #5: Freakonomics

Read the interview titled, “How is a Bad Radio Station Like Our Public-School System”? at the link below:

How do you see the customization of education impacting you and/or your career as an educator?


  1. I certainly hope the customization of education impacts me and my career as an educator. With all the information presented to me throughout this course, it's impossible to deny that the structure of the public school system as it exists is not working. There are better ways to teach our children to become functional adults.

    The burning question I have is, "Where does this start?" Funding for anything, education included, is sinking lower and lower, with fewer available resources to test out these modalities in more areas than just NYC. How can we get these things here? I don't see a state like Texas (judging from who is at the top) being open to trying something as "willy-nilly" as customizable education. Perhaps I'm wrong, but as I said in a previous prompt, we need a huge paradigm shift in how we view the purpose of education and gauge it's success. For my money, it's not enough to try to measure the success of America in and of itself, but to look at it relative to other countries around the world who have surpassed us. But, I suppose that's another discussion for another time...

    1. I'm sure that we will be impacted as educators especially if a program works. What great opportunity to use tools that will help the students. There is a saying in Spanish " Con dinero baila el perro" With money the even dog dances. Money has been I think the major roadblock for changes. School districts are being squeezed already for all they have and to invest in new thing even if it is useful is a challenge.

  2. I think this will impact me because if these programs are successful then it will be my job to learn to teach in this manner. If I am not willing to learn then I really should not be a teacher. The ultimate goal is to help students learn by introducing material in ways they will understand it and succeed in their learning. Reading through this radio program, I see that there is definitely a positive approach to learning using these modelities as they are called. I only hope that I can improve my students future using the same type of techniques.

  3. The word that comes in mind is "flexibility." I will need to learn to embrace change as a professional because my profession is to help children become functioning members of society. I was thinking how is my job going to change in next few years. I have already been exposed to an alternative method of learning because they do not do direct teaching were are work is more like that trade college they were talking about. We do incorporate direct teaching in a per need basis. For STARR preparation , we use a computer program besides direct instruction.

    1. I also think I need to remember flexibility when it come to our profession. I think that the way we will be teaching will be different then how we were taught growing up. I think that your students use a computer program to help prepare for the test because technology will be a big part of our students lives.

  4. I feel that as a new teacher coming into the field, it is important to understand the current system and standards. But always keeping in the back of my mind that there is a change needed and I can be apart of it.

  5. I would be willing to change or try some new way of teaching, however I feel that the curriculum in place has been proven to be successful, as a teacher i need to challange my students to want to learn and be responsible for their success.

  6. I think it is very important to teach children in different ways. I think it is our responsibility as future educators to find our students abilities and to help them grow. I like the idea of having smaller groups when learning and to learn the material in different ways. I think we have to find a way to get rid of the factory idea of education. We need to make sure that our students can compete on a global level.

    1. I always go back to the Sir Ken Robinson's video about teaching the students based on their age and not their academic ability. I think what you said about finding their ability and teaching to that to help them grow is a great statement.
