Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prompt #4: Seth Godin

View this video of Seth Godin:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXpbONjV1Jc

What connections do you make from his comments to your preparation and subsequent launch of a career in education?


  1. What the video made me think as an educator is: Am I really tapping their potential or I am merely trying to comply with requirements? I believe that I can do both. I just need to be innovative and think outside the box so that students can be challenge to do the same thing. Other questions? how would I do it; when will I find the time; will the principal approved of it? Am I getting my students ready for the real world.
    All these questions popped up in my head. I video made realize that I am accountable as an educator and as an adult to make next generations ready for the world and for just life and be successful in the process.

    1. Thanks Marina for making me think about am I really tapping their potential or am I just after requirements. I agree that we can do both. I just had never thought of that way.

  2. The video made me think about my own learning. I know I was a memorizer and pass the test and forget it. I want my students to think outside the box and have passion. I want them to succeed in the real world. I will have to make sure to meet requirements but somehow make sure that they think outside the box. I think students need to find their passions.

  3. This video really made me wonder how much I will be able to incorporate in my classroom with the current level of standards and expectations our society has for what school is there for. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with the points that he made, but the fact remains we need a pretty significant paradigm shift in our society to be able to put these things to work in a manner in which we can truly see success.

  4. Well, this video makes me think about whether or not I am really necessary as a teacher. I realize that technology is a big part of our society today but can that really be all a student needs in their learning. I really don't think so. They need contact with other kids in order to develop social skills that will help them in their future. I think another think I can do is to incorporate student learning by allowing them to use technology in everyday activities and try not to mindless test after test. I should try to incorporate their learning and allow them to share with each other.

  5. The reality of teaching today is that standardized teacher/testing is what the end result is. There is no way around it. But as a teacher it is my responsibility to utilize every tool I can get my hands on to enhance the curriculum and bring it to life in a way that the students will take more away from it than just a multiple choice test.

  6. Seth Godin's "what is school for".. his response was that school was for "teaching obedience". He also noted that the shcool system was set up as a factory structure. I do feel that students will hold back in fear that more will be expected from them, however if I can connect with the students that doing that one extra degree of effort, separates the good from the great.
