Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prompt #3: Hashtag Goldmine

If don’t already have a Twitter account, go to Twitter.com and set up a free account for yourself right now. 

Now that you are on Twitter, please know that there are groups of people who share your interests and passions that form “communities” on Twitter by use of a convention called HASHTAGS.

For instance, if you type #publicspeaking into the Search window (at the topic of the Twitter page), you will be taken to a list of posts that have been submitted by folks who have an interest in public speaking.

Now go to this resource page:

Look into three different hashtag discussions (any three you like) that have been posted by other educators.

In your response to this prompt, comment on all three.


  1. The first hashtag that I looked at was #scichat. This is mainly science teachers. I noticed there were many teachers resources like video, webinars, and a way to brag about students grades. Wow! I thought it was just for bored people that did not have anything else to do.
    The 2nd hashtag that I looked at was #curriculum. This had websites about how to built new curriculum, articles about changes in curriculum, pdf of sample or ideas of curriculum. It also had info on curriculum from other parts of the world like the UK and Spain. I can actually read and understand the ones from Spain ( that is cool!).
    The 3rd hashtag that I looked at was #ntchat. This hastag is designed for new teachers. It had tips to become a better teacher, techniques, celebration for making it a certain # of years as a new teacher, and even had teaching position available for teachers. Really cool hashtag.

    I thought all of the hashtags are very good resources for a teacher: old or new.

  2. The first hashtag that I looked at was #social studies. It was mainly videos and teachers asking each other questions. The second one I looked at was #ESL. It was to help teachers with esl students and to get them information that would help them in the classroom. The third hashtag was elearning. It was to help learn how to use elearning, tips and tricks.

  3. The first hashtag I looked at was #historyteacher, and it had some interesting information, links to some ted talks and resources that teachers are using, and then a bunch of other stuff about students tweeting about their history teachers, so I moved on...

    To #sschat. More interesting information and links to articles and resources teachers are using in their classrooms.

    Lastly, because it's near and dear to my heart, I looked at #edreform. This one was probably my favorite. Had a lot of links to big issues being addressed in the industry, etc.

  4. The three I looked at were #edreform, #bullying, and #literacy.

    Ed Reform - The ongoing debate on standardized tests is a big one that won't go away. Because of our economy, many believe the focus should be on preparing students for college and careers. So the questions arise, should we teach students to read and write or teach them to pass a test?

    Bullying - Mike Hanlon posed the question, "If we taught children at a young age to be part of an inclusive community, could we not reduce incidences of bullying?" I think that is an interesting question and pertains to the belief that it all starts in the home. I happen to agree with this belief. There are exceptions in every case but it takes a caring parent to raise a caring child.

    Literacy - Frederick Douglass wrote; "Once you learn to read, you will forever be free." Reading is essential, not to just do well in school but also to deal with the real world. You have to be able to read to live in society. These skills help you to buy a car, buy a house, or shop for food. Without these necessary skills you may find yourself in situations that would be very hard to recover from.

  5. The first one I looked at was #ntchat. It had a lot of links for teachers to look at and find answers. There were also other posting for new teachers to link to other chat groups. Given that it is the end of the year for most teachers. There was a lot of info on great ways to wrap up the year.

    The second was #adhd. There is a lot of information on the over-diagnosing of ADHD. There tips on diet, activities, and coping with ADHD.

    The third was #sped. Social and sensory thinking/teacher seemed to be the main topics. There is a great post by We Are Teachers on the mainstreaming of IEP's and other administrative duties of special education teachers.

  6. 1st was #edtech, which had ideas on projects that can be done with students, example using video projects to help identify themselves.

    2nd was #sped, had many ways to express their voices through video, example "Autisms Speaks".

    3rd was #ntchat, had many teachers sharing their ideas example using Pinterest as social media.
