Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prompt #10: Malisimo List

In the style of a David Letterman Top 10 List, create a “Top 5 Things You Really Shouldn’t Do As a Grader of Student Work.”


  1. 1) Grade on a curve
    2) Assign grades arbitrarily, without criterion
    3) Assign grades relative to the class as a whole, and not based on individual achievement
    4) Assign grades based on a rubric not shared with or communicated to students
    5) Allow bias to come into play when grading essays/papers/presentations

  2. 5. Pick on certain students using grades as a means to prove a
    negative point.
    4. Grade using a bell curve system.
    3. Making grades the focus of your teaching.
    2. Grading students not on their merits but what you perceive
    them to be.
    1. Grading on a strict wrong answer notion and not looking at
    the student's alternate viewpoint as a possible answer and
    proof they are understanding content.

  3. 1. not allowing students be aware of the rubric that is being used to grade them.
    2. Use grading to know who I need to ignore because they do not get it.
    3. Give them a negative grade because they gave me attitude that day.
    4. Allow the class to know who failed the test.
    5. By looking at students grades, I can decide who will be the teacher's pet.

  4. 1. grading papers by what I think they meant to answer.
    2. Using test scores to identify the smart kids from the not so smart kids.
    3. Not allowing questions to be asked because fear that I might not know how to answer the question.
    4. Telling the class who had the highest score on the test and who had the lowest.
    5.Pick students with the best grades to be the class leaders.

  5. 1. By never giving back feedback.
    2. By not using a rubric so the students do not know what is excepted of them.
    3. Using grades to see who was the smartest and who had the lowest grade and tell the class.
    4. Using grades to show who is my favorite student.
    5. Using low grades to say I cant help you because you don't care.

  6. 1. not allowing redo's or retakes as a form of extra credit
    2. grading based on one test or project
    3. sharing individual results with others
    4. not providing clear insight to the end result
    5. not utilizing participation points as part of the overall class grade.
