Tuesday, May 7, 2013


If you were required to put ONE bumper sticker on your car that somehow sent a message related to your spirituality, what would it say?

Prompt #1: Course Evaluation

I covet your feedback on this course as it will help me know how well it served you, and how I might make it better for future classes.  Information has been forwarded to your Wayland email accounts and Blackboard regarding course evaluations.  You will find a link to evaluate each of your courses in the Tools box in Blackboard.

Please go there right now and provide an evaluation of this course. (By the way, I can’t see what you’ve put in there until after the term is closed, so your assessment/comments won’t have any impact on your grade).

Respond with “Done!” in the blog comment box when you have completed the evaluation. 

Prompt #2: Alonzo on Innovation, Passion, and Purpose

Watch the brief video at this link:  http://creatinginnovators.com/chapter05Tag40

Teacher Amy Alonzo of Lynnbrook High School has created a unique learning environment that has consistently tapped her students’ creativity. 

Describe a learning task that you might craft within your content area that would capture the elements of innovation that Alonzo references.

Prompt #3: Hashtag Goldmine

If don’t already have a Twitter account, go to Twitter.com and set up a free account for yourself right now. 

Now that you are on Twitter, please know that there are groups of people who share your interests and passions that form “communities” on Twitter by use of a convention called HASHTAGS.

For instance, if you type #publicspeaking into the Search window (at the topic of the Twitter page), you will be taken to a list of posts that have been submitted by folks who have an interest in public speaking.

Now go to this resource page:

Look into three different hashtag discussions (any three you like) that have been posted by other educators.

In your response to this prompt, comment on all three.

Prompt #4: Seth Godin

View this video of Seth Godin:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXpbONjV1Jc

What connections do you make from his comments to your preparation and subsequent launch of a career in education?

Prompt #5: Freakonomics

Read the interview titled, “How is a Bad Radio Station Like Our Public-School System”? at the link below:

How do you see the customization of education impacting you and/or your career as an educator?